
Misc: Thinking about Red Things

Illustrations: Zara Le Cornu @zlc_art Realities not worth taking the red pill for* Would you take the red or the blue pill? When I posed the question to the gallery office,...


We got our staff writer (and a helpful friend) to go and quiz the...

Misc: Tackling more important questions

Migration Patterns of Traffic Cones Since their initial integration in the infrastructural ecosystem, traffic cones...

Misc: Tackling Important Questions

What is the circumference of a sombrero? The sombrero is a broad-rimmed, high-crowned hat made of felt...

Misc: Tackling more important questions

Migration Patterns of Traffic Cones Since their initial integration in the infrastructural ecosystem, traffic cones have struggled to stay put. Wild herds have been found...

Misc: Tackling Important Questions

What is the circumference of a sombrero? The sombrero is a broad-rimmed, high-crowned hat made of felt or straw, worn especially in Mexico and the southwestern United...


We got our staff writer (and a helpful friend) to go and quiz the public for a question on our theme this month as...

Misc: Thinking about Red Things

Illustrations: Zara Le Cornu @zlc_art Realities not worth taking the red pill for* Would you take the red or the blue pill? When I posed the...

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