Going Commando - week 5

Going Commando – week 5

The halfway point of our training’s past and it’s all uphill from here.  Literally.  When Adam told us to meet him out at Gorey we were puzzled.  Definitely no sand dunes.  What could be waiting for us out east?  Apart from struggling to finish a man-size moules frites, we couldn’t think of too many challenging things about the little harbour village.  We obviously hadn’t noticed the massive hill stretching up from Castle Green.  Hugging the cotil all the way up, it would challenge even the most tractor-ish of Chelsea tractors, let alone a couple of out-of-breath journalists rolling a tyre from bottom to top. Yes a tyre.  The gang of watching builders couldn’t believe it either.    After warm-up sprints up the steep slope from the harbour to the castle (Think that sounds easy? Try racing up it backwards. Go on, I dare you), Adam introduced us to our cross-country circuit that involved sprints up said massive hill and then back down flights of village steps.  Even the glorious view didn’t help with the leg-killing, lung-bursting circuit that we completed three times – dodging Gorey ladies who lunch – before collapsing on the grass for a few well-deserved stretches.  We were still aching for our boxing session the next day on the Waterfront.  Adam’s thrown in a few extra fiendish exercises for us to master while the other one’s sparring, including Russian twists which sound like a cocktail, but that’s where the similarity ends.   Our big achievement this week though was a seven mile run, all the way from Millbrook, uphill along the railway walk to Les Quennevais sports centre, and back down.  There were a few tears and tantrums halfway through, but we finished it – even managing to find enough energy for a race at the end.  Five weeks in and we’re amazed at our endurance, adrenalin… and stomach muscles we’ve never seen before.  We’re not only changing shape, we’re also changing our outlook on exercise… but maybe not when it involves a tyre and that awful hill *shudders*


For more details about Adam’s personal training courses, give him a call on 07797 743742 or check out his Facebook page AMPM Training.

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