Fashion & BeautyIndustrial Escape Industrial Escape Tagsfashion PhotographyandStylist:DannyEvans PhotographyStylingAssistant:CeriMilner Stylingassistant:RosalindMonks Make-up:JamesMolloyforM.A.C Hair: Rachel:Elmina Model: Toni Tagsfashion Share post: WhatsAppFacebookTwitterLinkedin Previous articleGrassroots headliner Xavier RuddNext articleTinker Tailor admin more of this... Capturing Fashion’s Essence at London Stadium Fashion & Beauty New Threads Fashion & Beauty Generating Fashion Energy Fashion & Beauty Brilliance Festival incoming… Fashion & Beauty A loveletter to the 80s Fashion & Beauty Related articles Fashion & Beauty Making it all add up Photography and styling: Danny Evans, Assistant: Marta Zamoyska Words: Ceri Baker and Aimée O’Connor Combining our two Gallery disciplines of... Fashion & Beauty Capturing Fashion’s Essence at London Stadium Words & Photography: Kasia Guzik For the second time this year, I found myself immersed in the excitement of... Fashion & Beauty New Threads In the era of “the side hustle”, many people strive to create their own successful small business, however,... Fashion & Beauty Generating Fashion Energy It’s Friday evening at 5.30pm, and I’m sitting in the corner booth at the Bohemia bar with fashionistas...