Photography and styling: Danny Evans, Assistant: Marta Zamoyska
Words: Ceri Baker and Aimée O’Connor
Combining our two Gallery disciplines of fashion and career profiles, Ceri Baker interviews Aimée O’Connor, Audit Assistant Manager at KPMG in the Crown Dependencies, for our first Agenda fashion shoot interview.

Hi Aimee, tell us about your day-to-day…
As an audit in-charge, I usually conduct daily check ins with team members to ensure that everyone is on track with their allocated areas of the audit. I also have time throughout the day where I am coaching staff members and answering any queries they have. We often have team catch up calls once or twice a week which can be factored into my day.
My day-to-day work also depends on what area of testing I am allocated, which can be many different areas of the financial statements depending on the organisation, such as investment testing. Therefore, my day usually has time where I work independently on this allocated area. I also spend some time during the day answering client emails, as well as having client catch-up calls once or twice a week.
And you’ve had some recent successes…
My best work moment has to be my achievements in my ACCA Qualification. In the September 2022 ACCA sitting I completed my Tax (TX) exam and achieved a score of 98%, which was the joint highest worldwide score in this exam. This was so rewarding as it was my first worldwide score and motivated me to continue to work harder for each exam in the future.
More recently, in the June 2024 ACCA sitting I was completing my two final exams, being Advanced Audit and Assurance (AAA) and Advanced Financial Management (AFM) exams. From this sitting I achieved the highest mark worldwide in AAA with a score of 85%, and the highest mark worldwide in AFM with a score of 100%.
I also achieved a gold medal for being awarded the Affiliate prize, for the joint highest combined score worldwide across my last four Strategic Professional exams. These achievements made me so proud that the hard work I had put in across my studies paid off. I was over the moon with my results and will always remember that amazing feeling on my results day.

Any study tips for us mere mortals?
My method of studying is through using flashcards which summarise the key areas from my workbooks and lots of question practise, such as through doing past exam papers as mock exams. My key study tip is being consistent. Therefore, prioritising study time throughout your day and setting a clear timetable for a revision plan leading up to the exam helps to achieve this.
KPMG have provided a supportive, motivating environment which has inspired me to aim high throughout my professional qualification. The training programme at KPMG meant that I attended in-person study and revision courses for each exam I sat. The approach was very structured, such as sitting mocks leading up to my exams, which was very helpful to get into the exam mindset.
Asking questions in the workplace and for your exams is also vital for your development and learning from experienced people in the sector. Mentoring is provided by my managers and other peers at KPMG, who welcome any queries I have, to guide me through my studies.

What is the best bit of your job?
My favourite aspect of working in audit is learning about the organisation which we are auditing. Working on a specific client for a period of time enables you to build up an understanding of their business and operations, which I find very interesting.
Another best part of my job is relationships. In audit we mainly work in teams, which enables you to build those connections within the firm with your colleagues through having to communicate and work together to complete the audit. There is a huge sense of team spirit at KPMG. Furthermore, I also enjoy building my client relationships over time whilst I am allocated to a certain job. This has been a key aspect of the job which I believe has contributed to building my confidence in the workplace.
….and the hardest bit?
A challenging aspect of my role can be maintaining a healthy work-life balance due to longer working hours during busy season. Busy season takes place in January to April and involves working longer hours due to tight deadlines for our clients during this time. To overcome this challenge, KPMG has taken initiatives such as ‘My One Thing’ which enables each employee to set a dedicated weekly activity which they attend, such as going to a gym class mid-week. This helps to ensure that a balance is maintained during this busy period. Beyond busy season, KPMG are keen for everyone to sustain a work-life balance and they support this with a calendar of sports and social events, plus offer shorter working hours in the Summer months for the audit teams.

Is there a female who inspires you in business?
One celebrity female who has inspired me in business is Deborah Meaden. I watched Dragon’s Den from a young age which is how I came across Deborah. I always loved her attitudes and morals on the programme, and of course how successful she has been in her career and businesses.
Deborah’s influence on business operations in terms of encouraging sustainability and ethical practises is very inspirational. Being a member of KPMG’s Corporate Social Responsibility team, these are positive changes which I would like to help to implement. She has utilised her public voice and wealth in a positive manner to help society and encourage a better world for all, which I also feel strongly about.
Deborah’s first business she started when she was 19 years old failed after 18 months, and despite that she continued to undertake future ventures and continued to be extremely successful in the future. This is inspirational as a young female in the industry to not give up after setbacks and to keep striving for more.