The Merchants

11th February 

People sometimes drive down Beresford Street in a world of their own. While you’re letting people out, filter-in-turn style at Island Lock and Safe, the bright lights of the Market sometimes keep your eyes left. If you look right, there’s a Harley parked outside each day, in the doorway of the fabulous The Merchants coffee shop. If you’ve not been yet, it’s definitely worth stopping by. In addition to great art and coffee, they also do pop-up collaborations. Valentine’s Day saw them host a Supper Club with the culinary wizards at JEJU. Guests were treated to a one-off red & pink menu of JEJU’s authentic Korean/Japanese cooking supported by a complimentary vinyl soundtrack of its flavours by live DJ David Gaspar. Guests left with a beautiful rose, courtesy of Eden by Claire. We’re looking forward to the next one!

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