Contract Publishing

Since establishing Gallery, sixbynine has gained a reputation for producing quality publications. Our contract publishing arm has produced a variety of titles for clients and organisations. Some of which are mentioned below:

Building Careers 
Building on our relationship with Careers Jersey and Careers Guernsey, we have worked with the Careers service and their sponsors to produce programmes and annual publications for both islands under our Direction and Reach brands.

Inhouse / White Label Yacht
We develop annual publications such as “The Yacht’, published on behalf of the Royal Yacht Hotel.

Originally conceived by one of our clients as a promotional tool, Offshore is a targeted publication distributed to potential incoming HVR and 1(1)(k)s and influential intermediaries that work on their behalf. Offshore is a targeted publication distributed to potential incoming HVR and 1(1)(k)s and influential intermediaries that work on their behalf.