FeaturesNo pain, no gain?

No pain, no gain?

It goes without saying, of course, yet has to be said to give this some context – but health wise, the human race seems a little up against it right now. But if there’s one thing that seems clear over here it’s that there are an abundance of people out exercising who probably don’t usually exercise that much, and that’s a very good thing. Especially if everybody keeps up their newfound routing when life regains some semblance of normality.

Whether it’s to get away from their feral kids, their partner’s taste in box sets to binge on or just because they don’t have the luxury of outside space at home during what must surely have been the sunniest week in April ever recorded, you can spot them out in the open; not all of the gear, but some idea. The people who are really earning their endorphins. Not those casual looking, steadily breathing, barely sweating sporty-types but the sweaty sufferers. Now is the time to forge some good habits, at least until the spring weather finds its way back where it belongs in the skies above us.

There are an abundance of walkers. Some have taken to running, I’ve even seen at least one person playing golf (which is similar to walking but with lots of breaks thrown in), but while the roads are all but empty people have been taking full advantage by dusting off their Raleigh-branded relics and charging up their newfangled e-bikes alike – and this got me thinking. When it comes to exercising on two wheels, who’s wearing the smuggest smile right now?

Picture this: a couple of months ago you decided to take a step in the right direction, embrace the annual ‘new year, new you’ mantra that regains popularity approximately six minutes after Christmas dinner number four is finished, and invested far too much in an e-bike which you’ve used a handful of times before tucking it away in the shed. ‘I’ll use it more in summer’, you told yourself. But wait. Wait! Now is your time – you’re out there for at least an hour daily taking in Jersey’s scenery, feeling great and not breathing as if you’re going to be requiring a ventilator carved from unicorn tusk before you reach the summit of the hill you’re breezing up. Life is great, and you’re on track to a healthier you. Keep it up!

Alternatively, you might be the antithesis of the e-bike cyclist; a seasoned road-bike riding, Lycra-clad warrior and while there’ll be no pelotons to shelter in before breaking away and no coffee stops after 150 kilometres of suffering while catching up with everyone on a Sunday morning for the foreseeable, at least there’s no traffic to contend with and therefore almost infinitely less chance of serious injury or death while striving for that elusive segment PR on Strava. This is also your time, embrace it! But maybe try to forget that sweet Zwift setup you’ve got in your spare room / garage / shed. You’ll be able to fire it all back up around October time. Probably.

What’s worse? Investing in a load of expensive kit that you’ve not used all year, only to finally start feeling like it’s paid for itself – or having spent all winter indoors making the most of the expensive kit you’re so heavily invested in only to now have the time and weather not to need to use it as much. Discuss. Actually, don’t discuss – just get out for a couple of hours of cycling, running, walking or possibly even golf. Whatever you’re into, just so long as you’re staying at home for at least 22 hours per day. You’ve got this.

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Russ Atkinson
Russ Atkinson
Russ joined Factory having completed his degree in Graphic Design at The Arts Institute at Bournemouth. Handling the rare combination of a mastery of both words and images, Russ lends his writing skills to his overarching responsibility for design and production scheduling. Russ loves building BMWs of both the 2 and 4 wheel variety.

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