PricewaterhouseCoopers CI LLP / Assistant Tax Manager

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Tell us about your working day…
Each day begins with identifying any upcoming deadline for my clients. These usually fall into one of the following three categories:

1.General tax compliance ? this includes calculating clients tax liabilities, liaising with the relevant tax authorities on behalf of my clients and ensuring all statutory deadlines, for payment of tax and for submission of tax returns, are met.

2.Audit of tax ? this involves working with assurance colleagues to assist in forming an audit opinion on the tax status of the financial statements of a company.

3.Consultancy projects ? this is probably the most interesting and challenging part of my work. It can involve anything from participating in a once off tax due diligence for a purchaser of a group of companies, or a query from another worldwide PwC office relating who have a client who would like to set up a Jersey operation.

Lunch each day is different. Some days it?s a case of ?lunch and learn?, like today when our team had lunch together whilst watching the UK budget speech. Other days I go out to lunch with colleagues, or take a break to do some shopping or run errands. Lunch times are quite flexible so that you can take the lunch hour that suits your needs.

After lunch there is usually a catch up time, assessing any new tasks and reassessing priorities. Today it?s all hands on deck looking at the UK budget to assess its impact on the Channel Islands and in particular my clients. Other days there may be a query from the New York office regarding a mutual client waiting in my inbox regarding their tax compliance. Whatever the issue, it?s about focusing on client needs and trying to identifying their needs before they do!

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Ben arrived in Jersey in 2003 and established our Gallery magazine title, determined to offer a better quality independent media offering. Holding a degree in Advertising and Marketing Communication and Masters Degree in Marketing, he builds media brands with the emphasis on brand. Ben loves mountains and is fond of penguins (the bird, not the bar).

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