Like Joni Mitchell sang ‘you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone’. With the announcement that after 13 strong years JerseyLive is no longer, social media went wild yesterday, with many utilising facebook’s sad face emoji. The comments on JerseyLive’s press release page clearly shows a great deal of support for the event that will be missed by Islanders.
We’ve loved being involved with JerseyLive with Gallery actually launching at the first JerseyLive at the Trinity Showground in 2004. Over the years we worked with the event, initially helping theme the fledgling hospitality area, then moving to add our Gallery silent disco in the amazing globe tent. In recent years, we enjoyed partnering on publishing the official programme and supplying lineup lanyards to let people know what was going on. They say all good things must come to an end but it’s a shame to think that Gallery won’t be part of an event this September…

But wait, hang on. What’s this? Suddenly there are other page popping up claiming to be recreating JerseyLive left, right and centre? Facebook pages have popped up claiming to be taking over from JerseyLive’s mantle already. As much as we’d love to have Daft Punk, Ed Sheeran or Jamiroquai come over in September, it seems like these appear to be a hoax. The page owners of one pretender to the throne to replace JerseyLive said they are exploring options to provide an international camping event, telling ITV News they want the event to ‘attract people from the UK and Europe, with a main stage and a dance stage for international acts’. Sort of, er…like JerseyLive did then?! Although people have the option to travel to festivals elsewhere, there seems to be a great deal of pride and love for a homegrown event that actually attracts big acts and festival goers from elsewhere to Jersey. We DO need an event like JerseyLive.

Mock videos of recording sessions with bands and news from LA have had islanders excited at the prospect of having something to do on that end of summer weekend at the beginning of September. Unfortunately, agents for some of the acts quoted have confirmed no bookings have been made and Andy C, who was quoted as having been booked from the Sunday of ‘Glastonjersey’ have taken to Twitter to clarify their position;
Just been asked about this GlastonJersey festival. I know nothing about it. It appears to be a HOAX!
— Andy C (@ANDYC_ram) January 27, 2017
Other media have approached Tamba Parks’s Jonathan Ruff for comment, who seems to get a call every time something fundamental concerning entertainment and events businesses is up for question at the moment. It’s no wonder considering the success of his Tamba branded offerings. On the prospect of holding an event at the Trinity Showground, Mr Ruff says:
“I’m not sure if I’d do something similar to JerseyLive, because they’ve done that and it’s obviously not worked, otherwise they would be bringing it back this year.
Jonathan Ruff, Tamba Park.

In their heartfelt signoff on the official JerseyLive page, it did sound like there may be something in the pipeline from the former organisers with each pursuing their own new direction. However, with much speculation on facebook, it appeared that none of the events so far carry the mark of the former JerseyLive team. With hundreds of islanders waiting to plan their summer activities we wait with baited breath to see what would materialise from the respective camps.
With just 24 hours since the release, it will be interesting to see what we can tell you over the coming few days.