On the wall: Jamie Moss

On the wall: Jamie Moss

After the ?school of hard knocks? and an early path straight into the working world, Jamie gained experience in a number of IT roles before setting up Veerleft in 2006. By focusing on offering IT services to small and medium businesses, Jamie and his colleagues have doubled their team in a year.
We asked Jamie why we should  all be veering left.

So tell us what inspired you to get this off the ground?
It was quite strange really, one day I just decided to make the break. I read an excellent book called ?The E-myth revisited, why small businesses don?t work? and researched the market thoroughly. Then I put a business plan together.

What did you do prior to starting the business?
I learnt my trade at one of the big accountancy firms for 12 years, then went travelling for 14 months. I gained my consultancy experience from working in Australia and returning to Jersey.

Did that teach you any lessons that helped you succeed?
Yes many, the main lesson for me is that experience counts more than qualifications. The other is always to listen to and understand your client or customers needs.

Whats the hardest lesson you?ve learnt since starting Veerleft?
The hardest lesson is to switch off from your business. It constantly challenges your mind. Even after the lights go out!

Any funny stories????????..?
Not to many, but it?s not all serious! Lots of people that call us think we have a Dutch connection (from the name Veerleft) so when we say we can meet up at the coffee shop they get nervous!!

What are your plans for the future?
We have a great team that has come together and a varied and exciting client portfolio so our immediate focus is to concentrate on our existing customers. We hope to establish ourselves in the market place and grow steadily and continue to deliver an efficient and quality service.

What advice would you give to the would be entrepreneurs?
If you have the desire, the dream, hunger and passion to work extremely hard and get a good work-life balance then you are well on your way. It is a fantastic journey and challenge to yourself. You need business balls..and respect for the good people, the bad people and most of all respect for yourself.

Choose the people around you very carefully and then watch your hard work in getting things off the ground pay off.

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Ben arrived in Jersey in 2003 and established our Gallery magazine title, determined to offer a better quality independent media offering. Holding a degree in Advertising and Marketing Communication and Masters Degree in Marketing, he builds media brands with the emphasis on brand. Ben loves mountains and is fond of penguins (the bird, not the bar).

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