EditoLook on the bright side.

Look on the bright side.

It’s pretty much June. As I type this it’s blowing a gale outside and the hail  last night was almost biblical. As we were set to release this early summer edition, it felt like ‘bright’ would be the perfect theme. There had better be some significant atmospheric changes in the next week, or there will be trouble.

I’m going to pretend, for the sake of moving forward and not looking back, that the virus thing is pretty much over done. I stuck our (Gallery’s) head above the parapet in December, highlighting on our social media that we actually had a lower death rate last year than average and that people needed to look for positives. Whilst there were hundred of positive comments, I feel pretty certain that the handful of detractors who criticised my optimism are now suitably back in their little social media boxes. We’re moving to get masks off and shorts on as we head for a relatively normal summer.

The mood is positive this issue and our shoots are both ‘bright’ and summer-inspired, from bright swimwear (pg. 52) to streetwear (pg.58). We also feature some of Jersey’s MUAs (Make Up Artists) with their take on the theme(pg. 66). Whilst the theme is best presented in this month’s fashion and beauty shoots, we shine a spotlight on other local talent as always, whether catching up with writer and poet Tracy O’Dea and showbiz export Jonny Labey in our Spotlight feature (pg. 14) or our regular feature Cool Beans that means a fundraising artist, business guru and a toy collector (pg. 48).

We’re also celebrating BYTs of industry with our Gradu8 careers supplements (pg. 101) and our special Family Law feature (83) that offers advice and guidance from Jersey’s leading firms on how to deal with complicated issues in a positive manner. We also feature a variety of sportspeople this month, from rollerskating teams (126) to the staff of the new Strive Gym (128).

With warmer and brighter months ahead, I hope you’re planning great events, live music, barbecues and a summer of fun. Last, but not least, this month we caught up with Jake Powell, organiser of the Good Vibrations festival, and his gang at the Splash for a visual taste of the mood we’re all looking forward to this summer. Read all about it on page 130. I’m sure that after last year, it’s going to be a sell-out!

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Ben arrived in Jersey in 2003 and established our Gallery magazine title, determined to offer a better quality independent media offering. Holding a degree in Advertising and Marketing Communication and Masters Degree in Marketing, he builds media brands with the emphasis on brand. Ben loves mountains and is fond of penguins (the bird, not the bar).

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