EditoEdito: The Vision Edition

Edito: The Vision Edition

You’ve probably already seen news stories about this year being the 75th anniversary of the island’s Liberation. If you’re locally educated and aware of the island’s heritage, that’s sort of a big deal. If you’re not, then the day you get off work in May that sees everyone dance in the Weighbridge is going to be MASSIVE this year. You’d better brush up on your Lindy Hop.

Many years ago, back in the hundredth edition of Gallery, we featured a ‘Centurion’, a man called Ken who lived through the occupation. With every year that passes I wonder how generations such as his, who lived through such arduous times, would view today’s generation of Instagram-filtered children who get to wonder whether their YouTube channel on ‘unboxing’ will make them a millionaire.

At the end of last year, one such millennial influencer got in trouble for suggesting on a Good Morning Britain appearance that millennials, or Gen Z beyond them, should not be taught about World War 2; that depressing history is ‘too much’ for young minds. Well, what a flake. Maybe the older you get the more you appreciate the past. With this significant anniversary upon us, we should all take the opportunity to reflect. Selfie blogging on how it affects you is optional.

This month’s cover is influenced by one of the many projects and activities that the island will be able to experience and contribute toward over the coming months to mark the occasion of Liberation 75. ‘The Face of Liberation’, presented by Arthouse Jersey, will be a 1000 square foot photo mosaic, harnessing the desires of the selfie generation and created using images of islanders past and present. It’s to be a vision of the island’s community, something to reflect on and appreciate. Whether you’re Gen Z or bordering on being a centurion, you should get involved. Learn more about it on page 35 and we look forward to seeing all your faces on the wall. Read away here.



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