AppetiteGenuinely nourishing.

Genuinely nourishing.

Caring Cooks of Jersey became the unexpected beneficiary of Genuine Jersey’s Jersey Royal Potato Growing Competition this year, thanks to the donation of 10kg of potatoes from The Jersey Royal Company. Following the end of the event and the grand weigh-in of the tubers, freshly dug Jersey Royals were delivered to the charity to make their way onto the plate of those most in need during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Victoria College Preparatory School made the decision from their school entries to donate all the potatoes grown over the course of the four months to the charity at a time when they are under additional pressure to provide healthy home cooked meals to islanders. Organisers of the annual growing competition were so touched by the school’s generous sentiment that they agreed to also contribute the weight of spuds from the Constables competition – rounded up 10kg in total.

Melissa Nobrega, Founder and Chief Executive of Caring Cooks of Jersey, said: “We were very surprised to have received this gift from Victoria College Prep and the event organisers, but it will certainly go to good use. Our services are more in demand than ever and part of offering people a healthy, nutritious meal means using fresh local produce such as Jersey Royals. This is a wonderful example of showing that supporting local charities doesn’t always take a financial commitment and we are happy to accept help in any little ways that people can give it.”

John Garton, Chief Executive Officer, Genuine Jersey said: “It’s been a very strange year for the competition, but just as local farmers have had to do, we have persevered with our growing in these strange circumstances and judged the competition virtually online. The event has always ended there, with entrants getting to enjoy the fruits of their labour, so it’s been nice this year to consider how we could use the produce from this competition to help those in need. Not only are we continuing to educate islanders on the health benefits of our humble potato and what it means to Jersey, but now we can demonstrate the power of giving and kindness at this difficult time.”

The competition was kindly sponsored by the Channel Islands Co-operative Society, with support from by Belles Fleurs Garden & Plant Supplier and The Jersey Royal Company.

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