POTMPet of the month: Greyhound Rescue

Pet of the month: Greyhound Rescue

The Greyhound Rescue is run by Malcolm and Gail Hickmott and was established in Jersey in 1995 and is a branch of the Retired Greyhound Trust in the U.K.

10,000 dogs finish racing a year and become ‘surplus to requirements’. Most of these dogs are only three to four years old when they are retired and they face years in kennels or are put to sleep when they have a life span of approximately 12 – 14 years.

The majority of these dogs have amazing natures, and for this reason six of the dogs that live with Malcolm and Gail are used as ‘Pets as Therapy’ and they visit the Silver Springs Residential Home on a weekly basis.

Interested in finding out more?

Visit www.greyrescue.co.uk


Breed: Greyhound
Age: 3
Likes: Running, sleeping and sausages
Hates: The cold
Wants: My own sofa
Interesting facts: I can sit (unusual for a greyhound) and I will eat anything.
Most impressive thing you’ve ever done: I’ve completed an obedience course. 


Breed: Cornish
Age: 25
Likes: Dogs, photography and boats.
Hates: Housework
If I was an animal I would be: A bird
Wants: To save more greyhounds
Interesting facts: originally from cornwall, only moved to Jersey two years ago.I take photos of people’s dogs to raise money for Greyhound Rescue Jersey.

Breed: Greyhound
Age: 1
Likes: Running, squeaky toys and playing.
Hates: The hoover
Wants: Attention and cuddles,
Interesting facts: I never raced as I didn’t show enough interest and have a brother in Guernsey. 
Most impressive thing you’ve ever done: Learnt to use the stairs!

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