GiveGuinness World Record Attempt for Headway Jersey

Guinness World Record Attempt for Headway Jersey

Headway is organising the Guinness World Record attempt to create a human map of Jersey and, in doing so, to make the largest ever human image of a country. Headway hopes to attract at least 5000 people to the Guinness World Record event at the Royal Jersey Showground on 23 September to help smash the Myanmar record and to enjoy a fun day out with friends and the whole family. The event will include live music, great food and activities for all ages. Gates will open from 10am to 4pm with the record attempt starting at 2pm.

The current world record was set earlier this year in Myanmar, South East Asia, where 3466 people formed a map of their country. Headway Jersey hopes the record breaking attempt will increase awareness and much-needed funding for the work it does for those with brain injuries, including accidental injury or trauma caused by tumours, stroke, haemorrhage and encephalitis.  Ashburton Investments are sponsoring the attempt, launching their involvement with Headway Jersey as a charity of choice for the year ahead.

To participate in breaking the Headway Jersey Guinness World Record attempt, get to the Royal Jersey Showground on 23 September. 

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