On the Sofa: Michael Martini

On the Sofa: Michael Martini

Michael Martini: MM Thai Massage


So tell us what inspired you to get this off the ground?
When I was growing up I never really had much direction or idea what I wanted to do. I had always loved sports and I still do, however I was unclear on how I could build on my interests as a career.
It wasn’t until I started traveling to the far East that I discovered yoga, meditation & the art of massage and that’s when things started falling into place. I enrolled on my first thai massage course in 2006 in Chang Mai and have been practicing massage on my friends and family ever since.
Since then I have always relished the idea of running my own business, to guide my own path and make my present and future happen. I want to be able to work hard and reap the rewards for myself.

What did you do prior to this business?
A bit of a mixture really. When on my travels I made the most of my time by learning as much as I could either by enrolling on courses as I did in Thailand or mastering the art of meditation & yoga at Isha Yoga Foundation in India. Of course these escapades would require funding & I was really fortunate to find work in the finance industry when back in Jersey.

Did that teach you any lessons on how to succeed?
Of course! Everything I have done so far has been building up to this moment of starting my own business. The lessons I learnt on my travels and working in finance have been mutually beneficial in starting my own company.

What’s the hardest lesson you have learnt since starting your business?
So far it has to be patience and self-belief. Things may not move as quickly as you would like but it’s important to remain calm and have faith that it will all come together.
When starting up a business everyone has an opinion and generally want to help, however it’s important you remember why you started in the first place and remain true to your values.

Any funny stories since starting the business out?
Not really anything I can mention although my family & friends do keep asking me for ‘mates’ rates. (What about the happy endings? *Ed)

What are you plans for the future?
I think the most important thing for the future is to keep adapting and evolving my skills in the therapy industry. Its important for me to take on my clients’ needs and adapt my work so they feel the benefits. At this time its important for me to make people aware of the amazing benefits of thai massage therapy however I do hope to incorporate more aspects and techniques as I continue to learn more.

What advice would you give to would be entrepreneurs?
Once you have an idea you have complete faith and belief in, start preparing today! Don’t wait for the right time, you can start the planning now, my only regret is that I have waited this long to do what I really want to do. The disappointment you will feel if you don’t follow up on your ultimate goals will always out way the fear.

Name: Michael Martini
Born: October 1981
Married: In a relationship
School: D’Hautree
Uni: Briefly
First Job: Other than the paper round, Saturdays at the Airport and B&Q
Car: A purple one, that’s all I am saying.
Book: The Magus or Shantaram
Music: Really varied music tastes – right now my iPod is playing Chris Kornells
Film: Anything with Wizards, Witches, Elfs or Dwarfs
Gadget: My new Windows phone!
Last Holiday: Edinburgh
Enjoys: Cooking and Cycling

About the Business:
MM Thai Massage Therapy is a unique way to receive an opportunity to release those day to day aches and pains you may feel. First and foremost the intention behind the therapy is to give you the opportunity to relax in a soothing environment while receiving a therapy which originates from the northern territory of Thailand. Travelling around Thailand over the years I have experienced all sorts of different techniques, rhythms and ideas. My goal was to incorporate the bits I believe are the most beneficial and deliver them as a service. The great thing about Thai massage is that there is so much that its impossible to fit it into one session so no two massages need ever be the same. In fact traditionally Thai massage is often performed in a two hour session to deliver its full potential. Being a therapy, after your first initial full body massage I like to take on the needs of the client, discuss areas which they feel may need additional work so in the future I can design a massage individually for them.



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