Matthew Human
Buzzy Working Cocker Spaniel
Matthew 23
Buzzy 16 months old
Matthew Spending time with people close to me
Buzzy Running on the beach chasing birds (the flying type)
Matthew Being given orders
Buzzy Chappie dog food and when other dogs take my ball on the beach
If you could be any human or animal:
Matthew Cheetah
Buzzy I would be a chef in a Michelin star restaurant so I could sneakily eat a lot of yummy food
Matthew To be successful
Buzzy To become a dad; people tell me I’m gorgeous on a daily basis so I want to spread the genes.
Fascinating facts:
Matthew I once paraglided the biggest sea cliff in Europe
Buzzy The origins of the Spaniel are quite clearly held in its name. The word spaniel comes from the word “Espagnol” which means Spanish from where all of the Spaniel breeds hold their origins. The word “Cocker” relates to the breed’s heritage and its use for hunting woodcock pigeons
Most impressive thing ever done:
Matthew Surprised my mum last Christmas with Buzzy as a present
Buzzy Chewed a whole sofa to pieces