Jersey Entrepreneurs on the sofa...

Jersey Entrepreneurs on the sofa…

nov_on_the_sofa_justin_IMG_8429Justin Curran – Curran Photography

Name: Justin Curran
Born: 13/7/77
Married?: Settled in relationship
School: St Malachy’s College,  Belfast
First job: Greengrocer
Car: Peugeot 207
Book: Eureka Street by Robert McLiam Williamson
Music: Johnny Cash
Film: Star Wars
Gadget: My camera – anything photographic
Last holiday: Cayman Islands
Enjoys: Singing with my band JC & The Loony Tunes Band

So, tell us what inspired you to get this off the ground?
I love capturing a moment in time that will last forever in someone’s home or help propel someone’s business idea or dream.

What did you do prior to starting this business? 
I am a teacher. I taught for a few years in Reading before becoming a full time photographer in Spain.  Since moving to Jersey I teach as well as running this business.

Did that teach you any lessons that helped you succeed? 
I have always had an ambition to achieve my goals. As long as you have determination and skill you can achieve any goal you set for yourself.

What’s the hardest lesson you’ve learnt since starting YOUR business? 
I am a big believer in being 100% prepared.  Plan everything in advance. Plan everything from an hour before leaving the house!

Any funny stories that you have about the business starting out?! 
In my 7th year of shooting weddings in Spain I was asked to shoot a huge wedding in a venue I had never heard of or been to. I left early and my second photographer phoned the wedding planner from the car. Almunecar was 2 hours from my studio and we left with plenty of time to spare.  We were told the venue was 15 minutes inland from Almunecar.  Armed with directions we set off inland. We ended up driving up a mountain on a narrow winding road with no safety barrier. That optimistic 15 minutes was really over an hour. We arrived with little time before proceedings began, thankful that we hadn’t met another car en route! I had to apologise to the bride, and had a few choice words with the wedding planner!

What are your plans for the future? 
I am currently running a mobile portrait studio. I can set it up in the comfort of your own home, with the precious landscapes that Jersey has to offer I regularly take portraits on location.  I am also taking bookings for weddings. I offer a great service in that each shoot I undertake is personalised for my client. So please feel free to contact me for a quote.

What advice would you give to would-be entrepreneurs?
In a couple of words – if you have an idea strive to make it a success.

About the business:
I ran Curran Photography in Spain for over 8 years. I opened a studio in Mijas Pueblo which specialised in children’s portraits. I photographed weddings all along the Costa del Sol from Granada to Gibraltar. I took on commercial commissions for prestigious estates agents, property developers,  advertising for local companies, and for fashion designers. I shot for Zara, Topman, Desigual, Damaris Novios y Novias as well as Agostin Torralbo. Here in Jersey I am getting the business off the ground with portraiture and weddings. I have also been photographing local musicians such as Adam Bradbury.  I am also available for commercial shoots.


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