Going Commando - week 4

Going Commando – week 4

It’s hard to believe we’re nearly halfway.  We’re looking forward to our sessions (maybe not the ones that involve running up sand dunes), and although they push us further every time, we’re enjoying the challenge.  And the results of course.  Muscle tone is starting to appear, and although it doesn’t feel like we’ve lost a huge amount of weight, we’re noticing higher energy levels and clothes are feeling much looser.  Want to find out what we’ve been up to this week?  Read on…


Session 13.  The six miler

Running is not something I do, so when Adam told us we’d be running around the bay, I didn’t believe him.  I surprised myself with how far I could run though, and it was only on the last stretch back to Millbrook that I started to run out of energy.  A last sprint back to the start point, and we’d done six miles.  Unbelievable.


Session 14.  Swimming pool endurance

Back in the pool to do more underwater swimming.  It’s getting better and we’re swimming further, but the hardest is still the treading-water-while-holding-a-float-in-the-air test.  Especially when Adam sends us  back on a legs-only length of the pool straight afterwards.  Yep.  He’s one mean personal trainer.


Session 15.  Tyred of the beach

On the beach at Millbrook, and we’re warming up with all sorts of comical running positions – high knees, lunge walks, high kicks and my personal favourite, heels kicking bums which reduces the passing dog walkers to helpless giggles.  Then it’s onto a circuit Adam’s drawn on the sand for us – plank, burpees, bridge, tuck jumps and army style ‘down on your belly and jump up’ exercises – all while the other one sprints round a tyre.  It’s a killer, but the worst is yet to come.  Tyre drags – ten of them –  that nearly finish me off.   It’s an intensive session, exactly what we need in readiness for our midway progress check….


Session 16. Halfway

Adam takes our measurements and stats – we’ve both lost weight and more importantly our muscle tone and fat percentages have really changed.  It’s straight out to the training field to see what we can do with our new toned selves, and we smash our times on the bleep test and the race around the field.  Push ups and sit ups are so much easier, and we finish on a circuit of pull ups (for my training partner), incline pull ups for me and some scarily high ‘low bar’ muscle ups – all of which would have been pretty much impossible at the first session.  It’s incredible to see how much progress you can make in four weeks.  Ready for the next four?  You bet…


For more details about Adam’s personal training courses, give him a call on 07797 743742 or check out his Facebook page AMPM Training.

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