Going Commando - day 20

Going Commando – day 20

Day 20: Saturday

Session 11: Sand dunes

Our dreaded dunes session starts badly when I arrive late, and get lost trying to find Adam and my training mate in the wilds of St Ouen.  One dune looks awfully like another, and by the time I’ve jogged up and down a few times, I’ve missed out on the running up the sand dune backwards exercise.  What a shame.  In an attempt to redress the balance, Adam sets us head to head in a timed ‘throw and move’ shuttle run which involves lifting and tossing a weight ahead of you as you run along a gentle inclined-dune.  Sounds easy? Try it a couple of times.  Our session finishes with more shuttles up and down the dunes, and a army-style jog carrying the equipment back to the cars. We accomplished far more this time than our last dunes trip – a real reminder that we’re building strength and fitness by the day.

What we did

Session 11 – St Ouen (Sand dunes)

  • Warm up (load carry, dynamic stretching, mobility, pulse raiser)
  • Quad overload, backwards shuttles
  • Throw and move sand dune climb
  • Throw and move timed shuttles
  • Circuit (shuttles and squats)
  • Cool down
  • Stretches

For more details about Adam’s personal training courses, give him a call on 07797 743742 or check out his Facebook page AMPM Training.


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