Going Commando - day 12

Going Commando – day 12

Day 12: Friday

Location: Le Braye

Session 7

We’re heading back to St Ouen’s for this session, and my heart sinks at the thought of the sand dunes, but Adam’s got something different planned.  We’re heading down onto the beach to try some handstands.  Last attempted when I was 6.  They’re actually great for strengthening core muscles – Adam gets us to hold our position for 30 seconds while he steadies our legs, and then we move onto headstands and more balance training on the beach.  Bemused dog walkers look on, and get even more amused when we start our relay circuits – one of us runs up and down steps to the beach and negotiates sand ‘cones’ while the other one holds a plank position at the top or does press ups.  As exhausting as it is, it’s got nothing on our final challenge – a timed hill sprint up the cliff to the edge of the golf course and back down… three times.  Dizzy and jelly-legged, we start our steady jog back to La Braye carpark, and break through the pain barrier to keep running all the way.  Without our personal trainer, there’s no way we would have pushed ourselves so hard, and if you’re always giving up when things get tough or you’re out of breath, you’re never going to get real results.  This is the difference Adam’s making, getting us to do things beyond what we believe is possible.

What we did

Session 7 – St Ouen

  • Warm up, gentle jog along the beach
  • Circuit – exercise station and running up steps (muscle up body holds, press ups, sit ups, reverse plank)
  • Hill sprints
  • Steady jog back to start location
  • Stretches

For more details about Adam’s personal training courses, give him a call on 07797 743742 or check out his Facebook page AMPM Training.



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