Catch illness before it catches you

Catch illness before it catches you

bodyIt is now recognised by many physicians that inflammation is a precursor to many diseases. Early detection of inflammation may help you prevent many negative health conditions from developing, including cancer.

Fortunately, there is a high tech screening system which specifically measures inflammation known as Thermography. The medical infrared Thermography camera measures your body surface temperature and presents the information as digitised images which are interpreted by Thermography trained Doctors.

We wanted to find out about the main benefits of Thermography so we met up with Hedi Green (Clinical Thermographer) who offers this service at the Lido Medical Centre.

“There are many benefits of Thermography. Firstly, there are no harmful rays, no contact with the skin. It is also quick, cost effective and can be very useful for your doctor, physiotherapist, nutritional therapist or other healthcare provider to get a better picture of what is going on beneath your skin. One of its main life saving abilities is early diagnosis of abnormal cells in breasts, especially for women under the age of 50. Thermography will pick up abnormal changes up to 8 years before anything would show on a mammogram. Women in their 20s should consider having Thermography as abnormal cellular changes can be detected in its early stages, which in many cases, can be reversed with diet and lifestyle changes. Women with breast implants should also use this method to monitor their breast health.

The list of what Thermography can help detect is an impressive one. Heart function and inflammation in the carotid arteries, which can be a precursor to a stroke and blood clots.

Arthritis – early detection means early treatment strategies can be put in place.

Neck and back pain – thermal patterns will show where the problem is, so a targeted treatment program can begin. The cause of pain does not always emanate from the injury site ie trapped nerve somewhere else in the body.

Immune dysfunction – thermal patterns around Thoracic 1 & 2 correlate with immune function.

Digestive disorders – Crohns disease, IBS and diverticulitis are visible with Thermography.

Other conditions including, bursitis, herniated discs, ligament and muscle tears, nerve problems, Lupus and whiplash which can all be indicated even before there are symptoms.

If you’ve never heard of Thermography, you may wonder how credible it is. More than 800 peer-reviewed studies on breast thermography appear in medical literature and many Governing Medical organisations have recognised it as a viable diagnostic tool.

Hedi believes in being proactive when it comes to our health and wellbeing. In her words:  “If you don’t make time for your health now, you will have to make time for your illness later.”


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