Annual Fest Returns

Annual Fest Returns


CharityFest returned on 1st November 2013 thanks to the kind sponsorship of its creators at La Cantina restaurant. The exciting initiative saw La Cantina restaurant donating 10% of the entire revenue generated throughout November to three local charities.  CharityFest was created by the Calvani family in 2009 with the aim of fundraising for local charities and generating much needed awareness. So far over £15,000 has been raised over the past four years.  Each year the Jersey charities are chosen by the staff at La Cantina to benefit from CharityFest: one lesser-known charity, one established charity and one food related charity. The three benefactors of this year’s initiative are Spina Bifida, Cancer Research UK Jersey and Diabetes Jersey. This year Marcus Calvani, managing director at La Cantina put a twist on Charity Fest by creating two unique menus designed around the charities’ causes to coincide with the initiative. The Diabetes menu included Diabetes friendly super foods and the Cancer Research menu included anti carcinogenic ingredients.



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