FeaturesAndrew's Brutally Honest Album Review- Fantasy Issue

Andrew’s Brutally Honest Album Review- Fantasy Issue

We were approached to review an album this month for a couple of guys from Jersey and it was stressed that we don’t approach it with kid gloves but give an honest Jeremy Clarkson / AA Gill style no holds barred review. We there fore let our trusy music maestro Andrew give it the once over…


I like to think I have a good sense of humour but the eponymous debut album from Selectalldeletesaveas appears to be a joke that I just don’t get.  After listening to the musical twelve-car-pile-up that is “Join The Navy”, it’s hard not to come to the conclusion that the album must have been made with the intention of creating a musical comedy in the vein of Flight on the Conchords.  Listening to the comic ballads written into the nursery rhyme melodies of “Best Damn Wolf” and the whiny refrain of “Land of the Dinosaurs” you have to ask yourself if Selectalldeletesaveas are seeking to build up a male tween fan base who like to daydream of surreal and silly world’s filled with creatures who say rude and naughty words.  It’s a shame that the musical vehicle for the duo’s unique brand of humour is equally as gauche.  From the monotonous power chords of “Binman” to the somewhat bi-polar shift between styles and tempo in “Restaurant”, the bad jokes seem to be in fitting musical company.  “My Dabid Icke”, an odd homage to the less than sane conspiracy theorist David Icke, provides a morsel of respite with its Death Cab-eque guitars, yet the track’s competence is overwhelmed in a album overflowing with cringe inducing voiceovers, tacky synths and repeated attempts to parody the vocals of Placebo’s Brian Molko.  “Selectalldeletesaveas” is a record that is devoid of any sense of cohesion or coherence lurching from lame joke to lame joke while stumbling over a contanminated melting pot of genres in the process.  Never have the words select, all, delete seemed more appropriate.

see what you think:

If you’d like your album critiqued, email music@gallery.je!

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