CulturePeter Knight Project with Aarons Bikes

Peter Knight Project with Aarons Bikes

For the new year, Aaron Lappage of Aarons Bikes wanted a change of image. He spoke to a customer of the bike shop who happened to be local artist Peter Knight about his ideas for a project. Aaron was set on the idea of focusing on the Jersey landscape and shoreline which was to highlight local scenes like Corbiere lighthouse and Rocco Tower, celebrating and advertising the amazing scenery to be experienced on a good cycle ride.

For the first part of the rebranding, Peter designed fresh new imagery for a new range of cycle shirts. The shirts celebrate Peter’s unique colourful and recognisable style reflecting Jersey’s coast whilst also being bright and visible for the safety of the cyclists. 

The second part of the proposal was slightly larger in scale. Peter was to repaint the entire front of the shop in his signature coloured striped style with which he was able to enjoy the freedom of a larger ‘canvas’. Aaron thought it was the perfect excuse to attract customers and stand out from the crowd with the unique work of a local artist. Peter spoke about how “artists have few opportunities to create and design on such a scale” and mentioned the valuable experience of interacting with the public as they passed. Aaron has since worked with a bike company to fix the same graphics to his own bike frame which might develop further. 

“Take the long way home” is Aaron’s message to encourage more people to cycle by not just commuting, but to enjoy and appreciate the beauty of Jersey. 

Aarons Bikes is based at 5 Gloucester Street,

and are open Monday-Friday  8:30 – 17:30 & Saturday 8:30 – 17:00

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