Oi has appointed former top Microsoft executive Chris Atkinson as its Executive Team Development Consultant. Chris has a passion for executive team development and coaching business leaders to achieve their full potential. As a Vice President at Microsoft for over 20 years he understands that if managers are from Mars then leaders are from Venus, and so began his own leadership journey. The true measure of any leadership team is the results they deliver, but the foundation upon which that is built is shared values and trust.
Chris’ pursuit of leadership excellence re-invigorated Microsoft’s Asia Pacific headquarters, enabled countries in Microsoft South East Asia to become best in class and inspired Microsoft Japan to go from worst to first, overcoming amazing odds. As their Vice President, Chris’ biggest contribution to the success of his teams, which spanned more than a decade, was his decision to become a coach to his leaders. ‘Chris helped each team build trust; crystallise growth opportunities; achieve goal clarity; create a culture of accountability and implement the disciplines of great execution that deliver results,’ said Peter Grange, Oi’s CEO. ‘We are very excited to have Chris on board and working closely with Oi’s executive team, focusing on the agency’s next stage of growth.’ Oi is now the largest agency in the Channel Islands employing over 30 people.