AgendaHighFlyer: Peter Musker

HighFlyer: Peter Musker

As Client Development Director at Rathbone Investment Management International, Peter Musker’s job sounds as though it requires a rather large business card. Speak to him about it, though, and suddenly it’s much simpler.

“I meet a lot of people.” Peter said. “Mostly face-to-face. It’s about finding out what people want to achieve and finding a solution that is good for their circumstances and goals. It’s also understanding what people like and don’t like and finding an investment manager who is the right fit.” The ‘people’ Peter refers to are his clients – family offices, Trustees, Charities and professional intermediaries.

“I want to see local people get good products and services. This means I also spend time assessing new opportunities to evolve our service to keep us at the forefront of client’s needs, taking advantage of technological innovations whilst always meeting our regulatory requirements. Rathbones has a great reputation, both within financial services and the wider community, and I want to continue to maintain that”

Rathbones, as Rathbone Investment Management International is more commonly known, traces its history back to 1742 when it began life as a timber merchant in Liverpool. Today, the firm has grown from a family business to a FTSE 250 listed company, with 14 offices around the British Isles. Its focus responsible investing for the longer term. “We see ourselves as custodians of clients’ wealth.” Peter said. “Our focus is to maintain and enhance that wealth in real terms.”

These values sit well with Peter personally too. At 34, he is a father of twin boys. He met his wife Emily, an interior architect, when he was 18. And, like many Islanders who enjoy working in financial services today, Peter didn’t always envisage a career in finance.

“Emily and I were working in Greece as windsurf instructors for a year after graduating when she got a job offer with an architecture firm in Jersey. I had a degree in business and marketing and was looking for a job in marketing, but it was the global economic crisis of 2008/2009, and no one was hiring. I decided to learn about finance in Jersey and move into marketing later.”

Peter initially worked in asset management for Capita, in a marketing position with Jersey Finance, and latterly in business development for Brooks Macdonald International.

“Jersey has been home for a long time and it’s where we’re raising our family. I did a lot of research before joining Rathbones this summer. You want to be yourself and need to know a company is right for you if you are going to be authentic and enjoy your job. We have ambitious growth targets but it’s important for me to achieve them in a sustainable way with strong organic growth, looking after clients and delivering suitable investments.”

Beyond work, Peter enjoys walking his dog, running, cycling, and swimming, each year taking on a new sporting challenge to raise funds for a charity. 15 years after starting his career during a recession the world has come full cycle and Peter’s early studies of cognitive bias from a marketing perspective take on new significance.

“Sometimes you must make decisions about getting out of something you have been invested in for a long time. Cognitive bias plays a big role in many decisions, but discretionary investment managers can take the emotive level out of investing. Economic changes may mean discounts which make certain investments more attractive over the longer term. Whatever the financial situation, there are always opportunities – our role is to help clients find suitable ones.”

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