Gallery speaks to recent graduates about their move to the working world, what motivates them and what advice they’d give to those that are new to Jersey’s top companies. We also caught up with a recruitment consultant to hear about their advice for graduates.
Torin Mitchell
Age: 24
Uni Attended? The University of Manchester (MBS)
Course Taken? IT Management for Business (BSc)
What did you want to be when you were 8? A Dinosaur
Favourite way to relax? Listen to a record and read a book
Favourite place to eat in Jersey? The Salty Dog.
What’s your favourite possession?
My vinyl copy of Immunity by Jon Hopkins.
What made you choose the company you work for?
When I was considering graduate opportunities in Jersey, I found JT to be one of the most interesting and unique companies in the Channel Islands. This is due to their wide international reach in some innovative fields, as well as the long standing on island reputation as the trusted Telco. I liked the idea of being able to dictate which projects I get involved with, and feel relatively boundless in the variety of activities I can get involved in.
What sort of professional training do you take?
I have taken some telecoms exams (of which I was able to choose from a selection) and am also going to take project management qualifications in May. Previous Tech Grads have taken a wide range of qualifications, including masters degrees – Which may be something I will look into!
What do you do on an average day?
In honesty – there isn’t an average day in what I do! I am responsible for the delivery and orchestration of at least 8 activities at any one time. These range from business critical projects to general system maintenance. A sizable portion of what I do is engaging people and aligning on how we can move forward as a company.
What is your next step?
I would like to continue moving into the project management space, whilst developing my technical skillset. I have over a year left on my graduate scheme, and so would like to continue to get stuck in to as many different projects as I can!
What advice would you give yourself as a graduate considering the experience you have now?
Don’t worry – keep having fun. You’ll be fine in the end.
JT is part of the JT Group, an innovative and progressive communications enabler based in the Channel Islands providing world-class products and solutions to a diverse client base of business and retail customers. JT Group’s product range encompasses all the products and services expected from a cutting edge provider, from Voice and Data, Consultancy, Co-Location, Internet, Security, Mobile and Support Services and is widely recognised as the largest provider of data hosting services in the Channel Islands. For further information visit us online at
If you think you’d like to pursue a career at JT, get in contact with Andy Holmes on 01534 882199 or email
“We are investing in two key areas – technology and people. From a technology angle we have commenced a pioneering programme that will give Jersey residents and businesses the fastest internet speeds in the world in the next few years. From a people perspective it is essential to identify and recruit new talent into JT and build a workforce capable of realising our vision in the future.”